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December 2016 Holiday Season

Commercial Investigations tries to participate in philanthropy throughout the year, including the December 2016 holiday season. This year we divided and conquered! Two teams of super shoppers took a couple of hours to find gifts that were needed for families being helped by Albany Community Action Partnership.

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Team Player - Friday Funnies

An investigator asked a reference if she had a few minutes to answer some questions. The reference stated, "Well, I might be going in to labor soon so I'm not sure… but I can try!”

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Why Wed – Why does CI love philanthropy?

It's one of our values! Our team focuses on positive community involvement through charity and corporate giving with both time and money. We hunkered down to plan this year's strategy as a team at a recent staff meeting. We do a lot during the holidays to help our neighbors in need.

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Stephanie Rodriguez - Mugshot Monday Installment #25

Now we’d like to introduce another well-traveled colleague, Stephanie Rodriguez! Steph has lived in Puerto Rico and New York, and traveled back and forth numerous times. She loves to cook spicy food, speaks fluent Spanish, and probably dances a mean midnight salsa (but we don’t know that for sure).

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Why Wed - Why does CI like to support local businesses?

On November 26, the team at Commercial Investigations participated in Small Business Saturday to support small businesses across the nation. Shane, one of our investigator trainees, spent time at Jay Street Video Games to buy his roommate a holiday gift.

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Christian Huffy - Mugshot Monday Installment #24

Welcome, Christian Huffy, to Commercial Investigations! Having received his degree in Criminal Justice, Christian had decided he’d take some time to travel to local cities, play guitar, and enjoy his music. We were delighted when he said he’d hang his hat at CI, take a break from all that tomfoolery, and dive into some serious investigative work.

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Music - Friday Funnies

An investigator asked a reference “Is there anything they can improve on?” The reference replied “Their taste in music.”

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Why Wed - Why is running a motor vehicle report good practice?

A motor vehicle report is an often overlooked little gem when it comes to background investigations. Whether an applicant will be assuming a position that requires them to drive or not, a motor vehicle report can provide a more comprehensive understanding of an applicant.

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Dulcie Karpensky - Mugshot Monday Installment #21

Accepting her mission to send us her mugshot, Dulcie also helped us coin a new phrase. As United Health Services Employment Department’s HR Representative, Dulcie has been instrumental in setting up her employees’ background investigations.

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Noises - Friday Funnies

As one of our investigators took a reference this week, she heard funny noises and the reference apologized, “Hang on, I’m so sorry. My dog keeps trying to make out with me! She doesn’t like it when I’m on the phone.”

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Why Wed – Why switch to CIware 2.0?

We are rapidly converting clients to CIware 2.0. Everyone is raving about its ease of use, enhanced security, and modern look. Clients are also realizing a decrease in the cost of 3rd party fees due to improvements in vendor relations.

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Due Diligence - Mugshot Monday Installment #20

We bumped into this charming fellow in 2004 when he came calling for a job. CI investigators ran a background check on him…let us just say that his sketchy employment history, DWI, criminal record and sex offender incident, left us glad we had passed by this candidate.

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