Pointer File New York™

New York State Criminal Record Search

Are you paying too much for New York state criminal record searches? Pointer File NY™ provides a competitively-priced yet comprehensive alternative that can maximize your margins.

Powered by our three-decade partnership with the New York State law enforcement, Pointer File NY™ allows access to New York state arrest data comparable to the costly New York Office of Court Administration - at a fraction of the price. Pointer File New York™ (PF NY) allows you to quickly assess when additional criminal record research is needed in New York State.  Pointer File New York™ positively identifies the subject.  

This occurs because the data being searched usually contains two, if not all four, main identifiers; name, date of birth, social security number, and address. Therefore, you know the data matches the subject before you incur any additional costs required to research the data at the primary source (court record) for the applicable arrest details. This eliminates costs incurred for name only match research.

The Pointer File NY™ Advantage

30% cost savings

Cost Savings

On average, clients realize around a 30% savings compared to traditional NYS OCA criminal record searches.

98% turnaround time

Turnaround Time

98% of Pointer File NY™ criminal record searches are completed within 1 business day.

100% identity validation

Identity Verification

Pointer File NY™ ensures 100% subject identity verification through multiple cross-referenced identifiers.

¹ CIChecked Stats

Compare Your New York State Criminal Record Search Options

Most Results Available Within 2 Hours

Cost Effective, Easy to Use System

Drastically Reduces NYS OCA Search Costs

Indicates When More Searches Are Needed

Positively Identifies the Subject

Includes Misdemeanor and Felony Data

Misdemeanor Arrests That OCA Might Miss

Local, Town, Village, and City Criminal Data

Law Enforcement Data for Non Law Entities

Proprietary to CIChecked

Frequently Asked Questions

How Does it Work?

If Pointer File New York reveals the potential for a criminal record, which happens approximately ten percent of the time, you can then, and only then, run the appropriate County or Statewide criminal record inquiry.

This saves your clients the cost of running the
OCA New York State criminal record search on nine out of ten applicants.

It also saves the costs of running non‐essential county criminal record inquiries. Most importantly, PF NY makes a 100% positive identification before additional inquiries are run.

This is done through name match and a match on at least one additional identifier, such as date of birth, Social Security Number and/or address.

This eliminates unnecessary additional searches based upon name match only and allows for a very short turnaround time – saving time and money in this time deficient and cost conscious economy.

What Percentage of My Background Investigations Will Need More Comprehensive Inquiries?

On average, eight to ten percent of subject’s will need more research based upon the Pointer File New York results to comply with the Primary Source Verification requirements of the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act.

Is Pointer File New York Compliant With the Federal FCRA (Fair Credit Reporting Act)?

Yes, being a Consumer Reporting Agency, we are governed by the FCRA in all of our services.

Real Life Examples

Unlock the untold story of background check discrepancies with our exclusive case study, "CI Uncovers A Sex Offender."

Delve into the shocking account of how we unearthed critical information overlooked by the New York State Office of Court Administration (NYS OCA). Explore step-by-step analyses and real case examples, including the startling case of a registered sex offender missed by the NYS OCA.

Request your copy now to understand the true importance of thorough background checks and how our proactive approach sets us apart as Your Proactive Truth Partner™.

Find the Right Partner - PF NY Case Study