New York Background Check

Cursory Indicator New York™ - New York State Criminal Record Search

Cursory Indicator New York™ (CI NY) is CI’s proprietary New York state criminal record history search. Through a relationship with NYS law enforcement, we provide a New York criminal record history search that is comparable to the New York State Office of Court Administration’s (NYS OCA) state criminal search, but at just a third of the cost.  

Clients that have used CI NY in their criminal background checks have experienced dramatic savings, while obtaining the same, or more conviction records than are possible from the NYS OCA. If Cursory Indicator NY does not find any adverse information, the search is compliant, and you do not need to run the NYS OCA search, or incur the cost.

However, when there is adverse information, we are required by law to do the “Primary Source Research,” which involves running the applicant information through the NYS OCA, and in that case, incurring the cost. This is what we call Tier 2 research. The silver lining is that most of your applicant’s shouldn’t have a criminal record history.

At CI, we’ve determined that about 8.5 – 9 out of every 10 Cursory Indicator NY searches return no adverse information. You could be saving money on 90% of your NY based applicants. At a cost savings of 30% on average, Cursory Indicator New York™ takes only 2-4 hours to complete on most searches. When additional criminal record search measures are needed, it takes just 1.5 business days on average, well below industry standards.

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The Cursory Indicator NY™ Advantage

30 percent cost savings

Cost Savings

CI NY™ has proven to be 30% more affordable than traditional NYS OCA state criminal searches.

98% turnaround time

Turnaround Time

98% of CI NY™ criminal record searches are completed within 1 business day.

100 percent positive identification

Enhanced Accuracy

CI NY provides an 100% positive applicant identification & up-to-date criminal record data.

¹CIChecked Stats

Our full process starts with Origin (SSN Trace) to determine where an applicant has lived in the past seven to ten years. If Origin shows your applicant has lived in New York during that timeframe, our next step is to run the name(s) found through Cursory Indicator NY, before using the NYS OCA.

This process allows you to quickly assess when additional criminal record research is needed in New York. Cursory Indicator New York™ has also been proven to be more effective than running county criminal record searches in New York.

This is because CI NY contains levels of misdemeanor criminal record information, which is not usually found in New York County Court criminal record searches. CI NY contains local, town, and city criminal record data not found at the county level. It also contains Federal criminal record data.

In some cases, a County Court will not contain an applicant’s conviction records. Learn why in our blog, the Surprising Uniqueness of NYS County Courts. That being said, Cursory Indicator New York™ is an exceptional value when compared to a County criminal record search, and the New York State criminal record search, through the Office of Court Administration (OCA), where the state charges $95 per name, plus financial transaction fees.
CIChecked’s President, Michelle Pyan, has been involved in the development of Cursory Indicator New York™ since 1999. Download your Cursory Indicator NY whitepaper for more information, or watch the video below about the advantages Cursory Indicator New York™ can bring you!

Hear What Our Clients Say

  • I was tasked with selecting a new background checking service, one who could provide impeccable customer service, quick turnaround time, potentially a cheaper solution (most organizations in NYS are running a statewide search through NYS OCA, which has a hefty $95 fee per search) CI offers a NY Cursory Indicator search which is MUCH CHEAPER.

    Furthermore, no initiation or set up fee, received access to their online portal within a couple of days, results come back within a couple of hours, they are LOCAL to NYS, based in Albany, NY, Women owned and operating since 2004!

    For those of you in HR or doing background checks, you know the costs, you know the mergers and acquisitions going on with these larger, global background checking services, you know their customer services isn't good, they are taking away dedicated reps, outsourcing their call centers, forcing you to pay upfront and discontinuing invoicing, and the list goes on.

    If you are in need of a new background checking service or are even interested in just exploring a different one, PLEASE contact CIChecked. You won't be disappointed.

    - HR Director, Banking Client

Unlock Unparalleled Insights

Enhance your background check with our cutting-edge proprietary criminal record search, explained in a one-minute video!

Our New York State criminal record search can empower you to make smarter hiring decisions and build a stronger team.

Watch the video now and stay ahead of the hiring curve!

Enhance Your New York Background Check

Learn More About Our Criminal Record Search, Cursory Indicator NY™

What is Cursory Indicator New York™?

Cursory Indicator New York™ (CI NY) is a NY State criminal record search exclusive to CIChecked (CI), which allows us to access conviction records in conjunction with NYS law enforcement.

This proprietary criminal record search reveals misdemeanor and felony information in New York State without requiring an expensive OCA (Office of Court Administration) state criminal record search, which costs $95 plus transaction fees for each name searched. Cursory Indicator New York™ saves our clients the cost of running an OCA state criminal record search on 9 out of 10 applicants.

If investigators reveal the potential for a criminal history record (approximately 10% of the time), they will run the appropriate county criminal record search. Most importantly, CI NY makes a 100% positive identification for a subject before additional criminal record searches are run based upon name match and additional identifiers (date of birth, social security number, and address) before any adverse information is relayed to the client and subject.

At a cost savings of 30% on average, Cursory Indicator New York™ takes only 2-4 hours to complete on most searches. When additional criminal record search measures are needed, it takes just 1.5 business days on average, well below industry standards.

How Does it Work?

CI will run an Origin™ search (SSN Trace) to confirm the subject's social security number, name, and date of birth.  From there, an investigator will check the subject’s address history.  

If they have lived in New York state within the past 10 years, CI will run a Cursory Indicator New York™ criminal record search to see if they have ever been booked throughout the state.

Is it Comparable to the New York State Office of Court Administration (NYS OCA) State Search?

Yes!  In addition, on average, clients save 30% or more by using Cursory Indicator New York™ by avoiding third-party fees that are added when running an OCA state criminal search. 

There are no third-party fees when there are no criminal records found on the subject in Cursory Indicator New York™. Download our cost-saving whitepaper below!

Do you Need to Run Additional Criminal Record Searches when using Cursory Indicator New York?

Yes, but only when Cursory Indicator New York™ reveals previous criminal convictions, conviction records, or other adverse information on the subject. If that happens, CI will do a primary source verification to obtain the most up-to-date court criminal record disposition data.

CIChecked only delivers misdemeanor and felony criminal record convictions to our clients.  Any violations or dismissed cases do not get reported.  When these additional criminal searches need to be run, third-party fees may be incurred.

Will the Subject’s SSN be identified when booked?

Most of the time, the subject’s Social Security Number (SSN) is included in the Cursory Indicator New York™ results, thus leading to a positive identification before needing to perform any additional criminal record searches.

However, depending on the jail, there are very few instances when a SSN may not be included.

Cursory Indicator NY™ Includes

Statewide Criminal Record Data

Cost-Effective Tiered System

Indicates When More Criminal Record Searches are Needed

Most Records Available within 2 - 4 Hours

Includes Misdemeanor and Felony Convictions

Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) Compliant

Proprietary to CIChecked

What if the Subject lived outside of New York State for the past 10 years?

We recommend that all of our clients perform a thorough background check.  If the subject has lived outside of New York State, CI recommends that you run a criminal record search in the appropriate counties based upon the subject’s address history.  

Our investigators will determine the correct jurisdictions to run a criminal record search based upon the client’s policy and Origin™ inquiry results.

Does this search reveal Criminal Data outside of New York State?

Cursory Indicator New York™’s criminal record search is exclusive to covering New York State.

What Percentage of my Background Checks will need more Comprehensive Inquiries?

On average, eight to ten percent of subject’s will need additional criminal record searches based upon the Cursory Indicator New York™ results to comply with the Primary Source Verification requirements of the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).

How long does it take to Receive the Results?

The average turnaround time for Cursory Indicator New York™ is less than one business day. Usually within 2 - 4 hours!

Does Cursory Indicator New York reveal Misdemeanor and Felony convictions?

Yes. Our criminal database has access to Federal, State, County, local, town, and even city court data.

How is this search proprietary to CIChecked?

CI is the only background screening company that can offer Cursory Indicator New York™ to their clients by that name and with CI’s proprietary research tiers.  This is due to CI’s extensive knowledge and experience with the data since 1999.

The law enforcement criminal data is not part of public records, making us uniquely positioned to help your hiring process.

CI also offers the data to other PBSA member background screening companies.  Through its exclusive partnership with the NYS law enforcement, CI has proprietary access to Cursory Indicator New York™ data.

Is Cursory Indicator New York compliant with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)?

Yes, when no adverse information is found, Cursory Indicator New York™ is compliant with the FCRA.

CI NY Comparison Chart

When deciding which background check solution is right for you, a comparison between your criminal search options can always help.

Below, we’ve created a table displaying and comparing the abilities of a County Criminal search, the NYS OCA State Criminal search, and Cursory Indicator New York™, with respects to their results inside the state of New York.


Discover More with CIChecked

Prioritize safety by checking candidates against the Dru Sjodin National Sex Offender Registry.

Access detailed federal criminal records to ensure confident and informed hiring choices.

Delve into Criminal History with Precision

Explore our suite of Criminal Records inquiries for thorough multijurisdictional, federal, and international insights. Elevate your hiring decisions with accurate and reliable background checks.