Guardians Google Search

Guardians Google Search

Click, click, click. Guardian’s ears perked up.

“I know that sound anywhere. That’s the sound of a Human Resources professional typing a potential new employee’s name into Google. They shouldn’t be doing that!” Guardian exclaimed.

“There’s no time to waste, I have to inform them of the correct compliance standards!” Guardian said.

And with a gust of wind, our hero was gone.

Guardian found the HR team huddled around one computer just as they were about to press ENTER.

Flying full speed at a second story office window, Guardian started to yell “STOP”.

Luckily, the window was open. The mass of employees that wanted to see what their new co-worker was like all stopped to stare at the incoming bird missile.

Guardian tried to pull up, but he hit his talons on the windowsill and tumbled beak over claw into the room.

“Who or what are you!?” Everyone that just witnessed a bird fly through their window exclaimed.

“Guardian’s the name, background investigations are the game. I’m here because I could sense you were about to Google search a potential new employee’s name. Is that true?” Guardian asked the group.

“Well, yes, but what’s so bad about that?” They asked.

“The problem with this is that there are federal laws that protect certain demographics or classes from discrimination. Some protected demographics are age, race, religion, sex, and more. The tricky part is proving that the hiring manager didn’t see any information that could have affected the decision. Doing a Google search could show you information that could make you liable to a discriminatory hiring lawsuit,” Guardian explained.

“Isn’t that just regular Title VII law? Of course, we don’t discriminate when hiring, so why can’t we search the person’s name?” Another voice popped up.

“I have no doubt you are all good people. If you don’t hire this person, how do you prove this Google search had nothing to do with it, though? In a court of law, it is almost impossible,” Guardian answered.

“Ok, so you’re saying we could potentially be sued if we Google an applicant’s name. We run cyber investigations here though, how do we continue to do that?” The second voice asked.

“Partner with a background investigation professional. They will only pass on information that you can use in the hiring process. That way the liability gets taken off of your plate,” Guardian said.

The employees all stare at Guardian, dumbfounded they just got schooled by a bird.

“I’ll leave you all to it, but don’t you even think about searching that name. Remember, I’ll be able to hear you typing!” Guardian said as he flew away on to the next adventure.


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